Are You Dumbing Down?

It never fails, I always run into really smart people, who dumb themselves down in order to fit into different social situations.  Why is that?  Have you ever found yourself dumbing down?  We actually start doing this as early as preschool…where we master puzzles and other complicated assignments like…coloring and naming shapes…then if a friend or some we like struggles with the same puzzle, we pretend not to know how to do that puzzle because we don’t want to make the other person feel bad or run them off or worse…lose a friend.  

Fast forward to where you are today.  How do you dumb yourself down in the workplace?  Is there someone in your current work environment with way more seniority than you, and a way bigger paycheck than you…who should actually know what they are doing?  Maybe they are really smart after all, especially if their paycheck is bigger than yours! When I talk to people who are experiencing this phenomenon…I keep hearing the same thing over and over again….”I’m just hanging out until something better comes along.”  I’ve even heard people say, “I know how to do that job, but they don’t pay me enough, so I’ll just keep what I know to myself.” Maybe your’re trying to fit in, but that’s not a good enough reason. Here’s the thing… it’s not ok to dumb yourself down at the expense of suffocating your own natural talent, skills and abilities.

If you feel like you’re an orca whale in captivity, living in an over sized swimming pool, where you no longer have the free range of the ocean, then yes, you’re dumbing down and doing tricks for fish. You do know that there is a sea full of really good stuff to consume…am I right? By that I mean, the world is waiting on you. Don’t make yourself a prisoner of the dumb down syndrome.  Make use of that time. Have you considered starting a small business?  It doesn’t have to be fortune 500 company or anything on that level, but I could be a service that you can offer for a nominal fee until gain some traction, word of mouth and eventually regular paying customers.  If you’re in search of an idea start by checking out my free business strategy sessions.   If you’re in a job where your skills are not being utilized start thinking about how to generate additional income. Think about three things that you are marginal at doing and then think about three things that you can do with your eyes closed! You just created six…yes six opportunities to create an additional source of income. Now all you need is the 90 Day Start Up checklist to get started. It’s totally ok to be empathetic to the plight of others, but it is not ok to dumb yourself down, and not put your skills to use in other places that could be generating additional income. We are missing out on your gifts!  Down load the 90 Day Start Up checklist and get started.